Sep 11, 2010 | Google, phone, web_services
Google Voice is a free service that gives you a phone number. When you dial my phone number, (707) 703-1601, you’re dialing a Google Voice number. Thanks to the Google Voice service, at the same moment my office phone rings, my cell phone rings, and Skype starts...
Sep 8, 2010 | Google, Internet, search
Google made a simple but profound change to the way that search results are delivered to you from the Google search page. It changes the world in a small but significant way. You will now get two things while you type: Predictions of what you’re most likely to be...
Sep 7, 2010 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, software
or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Google Chrome I am conservative about installing software. I don’t want programs on my computers unless I intend to use them. The first thing I do with a new computer is remove unnecessary utilities and cruddy photo programs...
Aug 11, 2010 | Google, Internet, web_services
If I’d thought about it, I would have realized that Google Translate had to exist. It does exactly what you’d expect from an online translator: type in a phrase and it can be translated into another language; type in a web address and it will present the entire page...
Aug 5, 2010 | business, Google, law, Microsoft, SBS, security, web_services
Previously: The Sad State Of Law Office Software I’m going to work up to specific products, but let’s start with the concept of storing valuable, confidential data in the cloud, on servers run by some big company. As a lawyer in a small firm, think of the scariest...
Jul 1, 2010 | DRM, Google, Microsoft, security, web_services
Wayne Small, an Australian SBS consultant, took a look at Google’s license agreement recently and wrote up a nice reminder that big companies do not make any pretense of playing nicely with your information. Google Terms of Service cover all of Google’s services,...