Jun 15, 2010 | file_sharing, Google, Microsoft, Office, web_services, Windows Live
Microsoft has introduced Office Web Apps, free online versions of Office programs that can be used entirely inside a web browser. Visit http://office.live.com to take a look at technology that will change our world. That sounds breathless and exciting, right? It’s...
Jun 10, 2010 | Apple, Google, mobile, security, web_services
Previously: Sync Files With Dropbox Dropbox for iPad, Android Almost everyone should take a look at Dropbox, the service that syncs folders and files among your computers and mobile devices. If you have more than one computer (home/office/notebook) and you haven’t...
Jun 8, 2010 | file_sharing, Google, Microsoft, Office, web_services, Windows Live
I want you to take a look at a demo of Google Docs. It’s a fast way to be introduced to the concept of editing and storing documents online. When I look in my crystal ball, my prediction has changed from last year. It now looks likely that small businesses and small...
May 20, 2010 | Facebook, Google, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, SBS, web_services, Windows Live
It’s rare now to find traditional POP3 email accounts, where messages are downloaded to a single computer and are only accessible at that computer. We move between different computers freely (home/work/laptop/netbook) and want our mail to be available on all of them....
May 17, 2010 | Google, mobile, phone, search, web_services
While we’re talking about smartphones, I should mention another way that your phone can use its knowledge of your location to do something interesting. Google added an unassuming link named “Near Me Now” on the Google search page on iPhones and Android phones. Click...
May 13, 2010 | Google, mobile, phone, photos, search, web_services
As I said last month, each of you might find one or two apps for a smartphone that get you all excited – the apps that you show people to demonstrate how cool your new phone is. I found mine. Google Goggles amazes me. If you’ve got an Android phone, you’ve got to...