Oct 2, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, web_services
There’s an easy way for you to keep up with web sites you visit regularly. If you’re not using some kind of a news reader or feed reader to keep up with blogs, news sites, and other frequently updated web pages, it’s time for you to take a look. If a page is updated...
Sep 22, 2009 | Google, mail, mobile, phone
Little did I know that Google would add a new syncing feature right after my article about smartphones on Monday.Google is now using its implementation of ActiveSync to sync Gmail, Gmail Contacts, and Google Calendar over the air to some smartphones. Here’s the...
Sep 8, 2009 | Google, humor, Internet
Did you notice that the Google logo on the main search page had a spaceship beaming up one of the “O”s in “Google” for a couple of days? Bless their hearts, Google can be marvelously odd sometimes. The logo is frequently changed for special events and holidays, but...
Aug 27, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft’s new search engine Bing is an interesting alternative to Google. In my experience, search results with Bing are at least equivalent to Google and frequently better in some way, particularly when the left-hand column includes a useful way to narrow down the...
Jul 28, 2009 | Apple, business, Google, mobile, phone
I ran across an interesting article about the effect Apple is having on the wireless business. The conventional wisdom has been that AT&T and Verizon are abusing their market power when they enter into exclusive arrangements with handset manufacturers. A letter...
Jul 27, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, security
Lots of people have installed Firefox to do their Internet browsing. Sometimes, out of curiosity, I ask people why they use it instead of Internet Explorer. There are people who can give an articulate, well-reasoned answer to that question, although as it happens I...