Apr 21, 2008 | file_sharing, Google, Internet, Microsoft, Office, software, web_services
There are many visions of our online future. Google and many others envision a world of cloud computing, where our programs and our data are both hosted online. Google Docs provides a word processor and spreadsheet, and online storage of files, all accessible from any...
Mar 31, 2008 | Google, humor, Internet
Google Australia launched Gday today, a new search engine that allows users to search content on the internet before it is created. “Google spiders crawl publicly available web information and our index of historic, cached web content. Using a mashup of numerous...
Mar 24, 2008 | Google, Microsoft, search, Vista
Searching in Vista quickly becomes second nature. Clicking the Start button and typing the name of a program brings it up immediately – no need to hunt through the long list of program folders. There are immediate results from opening the “Documents”...
Mar 13, 2008 | computers, Google, IE, Microsoft, software, Vista
My office computer is a powerful Dell tower, with an Nvidia video card and too much software. I choose software carefully, but I use a lot of programs and there is an alarming number of icons down by the clock. I am constantly installing new software,...
Feb 22, 2008 | Google, mobile
Here’s a five minute film demonstrating Android, Google’s new operating system for mobile phones. Very impressive!
Dec 4, 2007 | business, Google, mobile, phone, wireless
Verizon’s announcement that it would open up its network next year to devices not sold in Verizon stores made headlines and generated lots of online buzz. It is a welcome development from a notoriously closed company and Verizon deserves kudos for stepping...