Jul 2, 2007 | business, Google, phone
Google announced on Monday that it has acquired GrandCentral, the remarkable collection of telephone services. Here’s Google’s announcement of the acquisition, and here’s GrandCentral’s announcement. I wrote about GrandCentral a few weeks ago;...
Jun 27, 2007 | Google, mobile, web_services
If you have a Windows Mobile device (a Motorola Q or Treo 700W, for example), go to http://www.google.com/gmm on the mobile web browser and install “Google Maps Mobile.” It’s a special version of Google Maps optimized for a mobile phone, including...
Jun 26, 2007 | business, Google
In April, Google announced its $3.1 billion acquisition of DoubleClick. It was treated as Big News and generated lots of press but I found it hard to understand what the deal meant to Google and its competitors. Clearly it meant a lot to Microsoft, which paid $6...
May 31, 2007 | Google, web_services
Google Maps has introduced a very cool new feature, Google Maps Street View. In selected cities, the Street View button allows you to get street-level photographs in high resolution, capable of being zoomed and rotated thru 360 degrees. It may not be terribly useful...
May 23, 2007 | computers, Dell, Google, software
Dell installs less crapware on new computers than any other manufacturer, but one of their latest money-making tactics is annoying. Dell and Google have partnered to install the Google Toolbar and Google Desktop on most new computers – along with some trickier...
May 1, 2007 | Google, Internet
Google has offered a personalized home page for years, but today it was relaunched with new features and the curious name “iGoogle.” Curious because the letter “i” preceding a name is Apple’s territory – Google is tweaking Apple...