Apr 23, 2007 | business, Google
Only two years ago, Google and Yahoo earned the same revenue and it wasn’t obvious which one would predominate for Web searches.You probably saw the business news. Google’s first-quarter revenue was more than twice Yahoo’s, and the gap is widening....
Apr 14, 2007 | business, Google
A prediction of things to come:MAY 12, 2017 – BUSINESSWIRE. Mountain View-based search giant Google Inc today announced they’ve acquired the internet for the astounding sum of $2,455.5 billion in cash. The deal had been rumored in various search blogs since the...
Apr 1, 2007 | broadband, Google, humor, wireless
A potentially world-changing announcement from Google today – the launch of Google TiSP, a free in-home wireless broadband service that delivers online connectivity via users’ plumbing systems. A simple fiber-optic cable running through any toilet on a...
Mar 28, 2007 | business, Google
Google announced a new advertising program last week and the reports focused on a new Google policy that doesn’t affect us directly. (Briefly: Google sends money to advertisers when a web surfer clicks on a Google advertising link on a web page; the new program...
Feb 10, 2007 | Google, Internet, video
Google is running more than 450,000 servers around the world. It’s building “Project 02,” which will be one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, to be housed at a data center in Oregon the size of two football fields, with four-story...
Jul 1, 2006 | business, Google, web_services
Business Week has an article about Google’s nonsearch products. According to the article, 99% of Google’s revenue comes from its small text ads on search pages and so far none of Google’s other products are changing that equation.In the last couple...