Sep 15, 2005 | Google, search
Google has set up a separate page specifically for searching blog posts. Google will attempt to index blogs much more quickly than other types of pages that change less frequently – virtually in real time, according to Google’s product manager for blog...
Sep 2, 2005 | Google, humor
The hard-working reporters at The Onion bring us news of the latest step in Google’s expansion effort.Google has announced Google Purge, a far-reaching plan to destroy all the information it can’t index. “As a part of Purge’s first phase,...
Aug 23, 2005 | Google, software, web_services
Google has unveiled Google Talk, its own instant messenger program. There’s no surprises in it. Here’s an article summarizing the new service.If you have a microphone on your computer, you can talk to the person on the other end, but there’s no other...
Aug 23, 2005 | Google, search
Google has released an upgrade of its original desktop search program, with enough new features that it’s essentially a different product. Here’s the page for downloading Google Desktop version 2.The desktop search has been enhanced in nice but modest ways...
Jul 22, 2005 | Google, web_services
Google Maps has added a hybrid view today that combines their satellite and map views, so you can see both at the same time.
Jul 20, 2005 | Google, humor
In case your travels take you really far, Google has just opened Google Moon, with the same interface as Google Maps. Hidden joke alert: when you first check it out, make sure you zoom all the way in for a close look, then go take a look at new Google job...