Oct 14, 2004 | Google, search, software
The Google Desktop is a free program that indexes and searches your Outlook folders and the documents on your computer. This will have more of an impact on your world than you suspect. From an icon down by the clock, you can instantly search every incoming and...
Oct 6, 2004 | Google, search
Google is one of the world’s best-known brands; it also supplies the technology powering searches done from scores of other web sites. As you might imagine, lots of web sites want to be the next Google. This week’s buzz is about Clusty, which takes search...
Jul 30, 2004 | Google, Microsoft
Microsoft is rolling out services to challenge Google. I’m underwhelmed by every single bit of it so far. Yesterday’s presentation, described in this article, summarizes some of the initiatives. MSN is going to sponsor a toolbar – presumably...
Mar 31, 2004 | Google, mail
Google has begun testing a free webmail service named GMail. Here’s a press release from Google about the new service. Google intends to offer each user essentially unlimited storage of e-mail – 1 gigabyte per user, miles ahead of the paltry 2Mb or 4Mb...