Apr 25, 2011 | business, computers, hardware, laptops
Fountain pens overcame early technical limitations and began to be mass-produced in the 1870s. During the next few decades there was a steady stream of improvements, technical innovations and new materials that caused them to become commonplace items in offices....
Apr 19, 2011 | bruceb, computers, hardware, software, web_services
I updated the “What I Use” page on the bruceb.com web site, where I describe the hardware, software, and web services running the enormous Bruceb Consulting empire. Why in the world would you want to read that? No, wait, that’s not rhetorical, I really don’t know the...
Feb 20, 2011 | business, computers, hardware, Internet, Microsoft, network, remote, SBS, software, web_services
Feeling confident about your ability to keep up with the pace of change? You ain’t seen nothing yet. Small businesses will soon have the option to have all of their computing power hosted offsite. No servers in the closet; no workstations under the desks. Onsite...
Jan 7, 2011 | Android, Apple, business, Google, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, tablet
The Consumer Electronics Show is keeping gadget freaks happy in Las Vegas this week. I can’t begin to tell you anything in depth – it is a frenzied scene, with close to a hundred thousand people looking at devices from literally thousands of exhibitors. Only a...
Nov 28, 2010 | hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, SBS
Drive Extender deserves another mention before it heads into the graveyard of failed technology. If you’ve been reading along, you know that Drive Extender was the promising technology built into Windows Home Server to make it easier to manage storage space on a...
Nov 24, 2010 | backup, business, computers, domains, hardware, Home_Server, mail, Microsoft, network, Office, remote, SBS, web_services
Previously: The Future Of Small Office Technology History Lesson, Part 1: Small Business Server History Lesson, Part 2: Windows Home Server Looking Forward: Small Business Server 2011 Standard I have a long article for you about an exciting new platform for small...