Apr 16, 2009 | backup, computers, hardware, shopping, software, Vista
Let me give you some updated generalizations that may help you get started when you’re shopping for a new computer. Generalizations are dangerous things. Not everyone ought to make the same choices. You’ll be driven by your budget, your level of tech knowledge, any...
Apr 15, 2009 | computers, hardware
In one of those odd coincidences, I’ve dealt with four or five surge protectors in the last few weeks that have failed in the same way – by having one or two outlets go dead, even though the other outlets are still passing current through them and apparently working...
Apr 8, 2009 | broadband, business, computers, hardware, mobile, netbooks, phone, wireless
Netbooks will be widespread by the end of the year, shaking up the PC market and changing our world in ways that will be more dramatic than you expect. You might not have foreseen one of the ways they’ll be distributed – sold and subsidized by the cell phone carriers....
Apr 7, 2009 | computers, hardware, Microsoft, mobile, netbooks, Windows7, WinXP, wireless
The world is changing in front of our eyes again. Let me give you a preview of some technology that is going to change the computing landscape permanently – and do it before the end of 2009. This is a big deal! Take a minute to read this – it will help you understand...
Mar 24, 2009 | computers, hardware, WinXP
Why are our computers running so slowly? I began to notice it about six months ago. Everyone with a 3-5 year old Windows XP computer was complaining that their computers were running slowly. Occasionally I can still improve things by turning off unnecessary startup...
Mar 9, 2009 | backup, hardware
There are no excuses. You must have a backup of your data that is updated regularly. A backup is just a second copy of your files stored separately from the primary computer’s hard drive. It doesn’t matter how that copy is maintained as long as you understand the...