Mar 2, 2009 | computers, hardware
If you’re like me, then you’ve been caught off guard in the last couple of years by something that you hadn’t realized was obsolete. Here are a few that still occasionally take people by surprise when they get a new computer. PS2 connections (the round ones) for...
Feb 25, 2009 | hardware, HP, printers, software
It seems we’re constantly buying printers to replace the ones that break before their time. A quick word of advice if you buy an HP printer: don’t put that installation CD in the drive! The chances are good that you’ll wind up with hundreds of megabytes of bloated...
Jan 1, 2009 | audio, hardware, Microsoft
A heartwarming story for the end of 2008! On December 31 every owner of a 30Gb Microsoft Zune woke up to a crashed device that couldn’t be started. (The Zune is Microsoft’s competitor for the iPod. Only 14 people own them, so this isn’t all that...
Dec 23, 2008 | computers, hardware, HP, printers, software
The headline tells the story of this Microsoft Knowledge Base article: Severe system performance problems occur on a Windows Vista or Windows XP-based computer after you install HP printer software, version 11 (Microsoft KB960673) To be honest, I don’t know if...
Oct 28, 2008 | computers, hardware, Vista, WinXP
If you don’t have enough memory (“RAM”) in your computer, it will run very, very slowly. Once you have a reasonable amount of memory, performance won’t change very much if you add more. Memory has been so cheap for the last few years that most...
Oct 15, 2008 | hardware, software
Some of you are running into unnecessary software included with many USB flash drives. The U3 Launchpad probably seemed like a good idea but I’m not aware of anyone who uses it, and I know a lot of people who find it irritating. The U3 software is included with...