Oct 1, 2007 | hardware, network
Network equipment connected with cables has gotten a speed increase to 1Gb, 1000Mbps – ten times faster than the 100Mbps that was standard for years. All of your network-related purchases from now on should be 1000Mbps – gigabit speed. That’s routers...
Sep 30, 2007 | computers, hardware, Home_Server, law, network
As always, there’s new technology that’s becoming commonplace even though we hadn’t really noticed it yet. Let’s start with network-attached storage – “NAS.”Our appetite for storage space is voracious. Businesses and law firms...
Sep 5, 2007 | Apple, audio, hardware, Microsoft, video
Apple demonstrated again today that it can run circles around everyone else with its handheld devices. There will be lots of news coverage of the updates to the iPod line – here’s one article, here’s photos, and here’s an exhaustive rundown of...
Aug 15, 2007 | backup, broadband, hardware, network
Very small businesses frequently depend on computer systems with several potential failure points, where a single failure can cause the network to go down for an uncomfortable length of time.Many small businesses – many of my clients – depend on a single...
Jul 4, 2007 | hardware, software
You’ve heard me complain about things that don’t work – programs that are badly written, hardware that breaks, things that conflict in mysterious, unreproducible ways, USB devices that suddenly aren’t recognized, devices that work on one...
Apr 26, 2007 | backup, computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network
I’ve mentioned Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Home Server appliance before, but it bears repeating – this has the potential to define a new category of home appliance that will be more interesting than you expect. It’s hard for you to imagine why...