Dec 1, 2005 | backup, hardware, OneCare
If you’re not backing up your computer, you’re not alone – but the backup utility in Windows OneCare Live should be on your mind. The price is low, the software is easy to use, and losing data when a hard drive fails is awful, whether it’s...
Oct 31, 2005 | audio, DRM, hardware
The “Autorun” feature on your CD and DVD drives is starting to be abused and now creates another opportunity for bad people to damage your computer. I recommend disabling it. Here are instructions about how to disable Autorun in different versions of...
Oct 9, 2005 | hardware, photos, printers
Printer prices are in free fall – down by 30% in the last few months. But here’s an article going over the numbers to explain why more people are taking their camera’s memory cards to Costco or getting their prints from an online service instead of...
Oct 3, 2005 | hardware, software
Price should no longer be the factor that drives your technology purchases.Technology is cheap. Printers are best described as disposable cartridge holders – for many, many models the printer’s cost is roughly identical to the cost of replacement ink...
Sep 28, 2005 | computers, Dell, hardware
Dell has turned the “XPS” name into a separate brand for upper-end PCs, notebooks, displays, and televisions. Here’s an article about Dell’s new push into the top of the market.As of tonight, Dell’s Small Business division doesn’t...
Sep 6, 2005 | hardware, law
Intel filed its answer to AMD’s complaint for unfair competition. An answer is always more dry than a complaint, but the first seven pages are interesting reading, as Intel lovingly alleges that AMD’s market failures are the result of poor planning and bad...