Apr 1, 2007 | broadband, Google, humor, wireless
A potentially world-changing announcement from Google today – the launch of Google TiSP, a free in-home wireless broadband service that delivers online connectivity via users’ plumbing systems. A simple fiber-optic cable running through any toilet on a...
Mar 26, 2007 | humor, Internet, video
Ze Frank has just finished a year of producing The Show, three-minute video monologues that appeared online five days a week. Slate, the Los Angeles Times, and others are writing paeans to a project that blossomed into something unique and special. The audience turned...
Mar 12, 2007 | humor, network
From Max Barry’s marvelous book Company, about corporate life in the weeks after the computer network goes dead:”Two weeks ago the network went down; soon after Senior Management assured the company it would have the problem fixed within a few days; now...
Mar 10, 2007 | humor, video
The IT Crowd is my new favorite TV show. The first season’s six episodes can be downloaded pretty freely – here’s one collection of links to downloadable files, for example. Much of it is available on YouTube if you don’t mind low resolution...