Jan 27, 2014 | IE, software, Windows tips, Windows8
Here’s a tip that might make it easier to get used to the Metro version of Internet Explorer that runs full-screen in Windows 8. After you upgrade to Windows 8.1, you have the option to always display the address bar and open tabs at the bottom of the screen....
Jan 19, 2014 | Google, IE, Internet, security, software
Tech bloggers were in an uproar today when it was discovered that extensions to Google Chrome are being hijacked to insert unwanted ads onto web pages. It’s only a symptom of a deeper problem that will plague all of us this year: the hunger to deliver ads to your...
Jan 15, 2014 | Android, Google, IE, Microsoft, software, Windows8
Windows 8 users who set Google Chrome as their default Internet browser are caught by surprise when it opens in a fullscreen Metro environment instead of running on the familiar Windows desktop. I’ll explain how that works below. Today Google released Chrome version...
Dec 20, 2013 | IE, security, software, Windows7, Windows8
The recent update to LastPass version 3 brought some new features and a refreshed look to the program, but it also brought a crop of new bugs and problems. There is an update to version 3.0.10 that might help Internet Explorer users, but you have to install it...
Nov 8, 2013 | Android, Apple, IE, Internet, LastPass, security, software, web_services, Windows7, Windows8
LastPass released a major update this week. LastPass 3.0 gives the essential password manager a streamlined look and introduces some new features. If you’re a LastPass user, you’ll see some new things happening onscreen as you move around password fields. Don’t be...
Oct 31, 2013 | IE, Internet, software
Almost three years ago Microsoft gave us a built-in way to block ads in Internet Explorer and preserve our privacy online – and we’re not using it because we don’t know it’s there! Ever since Internet Explorer 9 in February 2011, IE has had a feature named “Tracking...