Oct 14, 2010 | broadband, IE, Internet, network, web_services
I stand by my reconsideration of Firefox, but I think my criticism of Internet Explorer was unjust. Some of my browsing problems were likely not caused by IE at all. They appear to have been caused by OpenDNS, some settings deep in my office network that affected my...
Sep 8, 2010 | Google, Internet, search
Google made a simple but profound change to the way that search results are delivered to you from the Google search page. It changes the world in a small but significant way. You will now get two things while you type: Predictions of what you’re most likely to be...
Sep 7, 2010 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, software
or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Google Chrome I am conservative about installing software. I don’t want programs on my computers unless I intend to use them. The first thing I do with a new computer is remove unnecessary utilities and cruddy photo programs...
Aug 30, 2010 | Internet, security, web_services
Previously: Passwords: computer login Passwords: e-mail Passwords: Google Accounts & Windows Live ID Passwords: password managers Passwords: online passwords and LastPass Let’s go over a few facts of life. No one is enjoying the need to have a lot of passwords....
Aug 17, 2010 | business, Internet, law, web_services
Previously: The Sad State Of Law Office Software Law Office Case Management In The Cloud Advologix Practice Management Postscript On Cloud Computing Larry Port, founding partner of Rocket Matter, dropped by the news page yesterday and gently suggested that Rocket...
Aug 11, 2010 | business, Internet, web_services
Previously: The Sad State Of Law Office Software Law Office Case Management In The Cloud Advologix Practice Management Take a step back and look at the technology in your business. There has been a large shift that you may not have noticed in technology costs. Here’s...