Aug 11, 2010 | Google, Internet, web_services
If I’d thought about it, I would have realized that Google Translate had to exist. It does exactly what you’d expect from an online translator: type in a phrase and it can be translated into another language; type in a web address and it will present the entire page...
Jul 26, 2010 | Facebook, Internet, security, web_services
When I joined Facebook, I was asked if Facebook could rummage through my Outlook address book looking for a match with other Facebook users. I politely responded, no, absolutely not, thank you very much, and I thought that was the end of it. My Facebook page fired up...
Jul 12, 2010 | Apple, business, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
There is an interesting consequence to the development of a global population obsessed by technology: it’s become very difficult to introduce a new service and have sufficient capacity for it to start successfully. It’s nothing new. Back in 2004 online gaming service...
Jul 8, 2010 | Facebook, Internet, web_services
If you’re over 35, you will be secretly relieved by David Pogue’s helpful column in today’s New York Times. Bless his heart – he’s written concise, easy-to-understand explanations of the hot social networking services that everybody assumes you understand. (Apparently...
Jun 4, 2010 | file_sharing, Internet, remote, web_services
I’m going to tell you about a new free service from LogMeIn that will make some of you so happy that you will clap your hands in childish glee. You already know LogMeIn as the company behind LogMeIn Free and LogMeIn Pro, the best software available for remote...
May 12, 2010 | Google, Internet, mobile, search
Google has officially rolled out an update to its search result pages, a three column design that provides search options on the left to help refine and redirect your searches. Spend a few minutes learning about the new features – this is the basic tool that...