Jan 16, 2010 | Adobe, Google, Internet, Microsoft, security
The technical side of Google’s blowup in China is shaping up as an explosive story about technology and hacking. Keep an eye on this one! On Tuesday Google announced that it would no longer comply with Chinese censorship demands and might cease operating in China...
Jan 11, 2010 | IE, Internet, security, software, web_services
Previously: Passwords: computer login Passwords: e-mail Passwords: Google Accounts & Windows Live ID Password: password managers LastPass will help you manage all of your online passwords. You should learn about it, install it, and use it every day. This is...
Dec 7, 2009 | Google, Internet, news, updates
Two recent announcements. The New York Times officially added “Times Skimmer” to its family of web sites, with an attractive interface for browsing through news stories without scrolling. Here’s the announcement, and here’s more information about Times Skimmer. Make...
Nov 20, 2009 | Google, Internet, search
Google built its reputation on its streamlined, minimalist home page and search results, but it may change that design to add more information soon. A small number of people will randomly begin to see “Google Search Options” displayed on the left of the search results...
Nov 19, 2009 | Internet, security, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Two weeks ago my son clicked OK on a message about some security problem. He called out and asked me about it after he clicked. By the time I walked in and unplugged the network cable, there were seven malware startup programs and services installed and over 700 files...