Sep 25, 2009 | Internet, Microsoft, Office, web_services
Microsoft introduced a limited public look at Office Web Applications this week – a “Tech Preview” for a small group of testers of versions of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint designed to run in a web browser and open files stored online.The bad news is that the preview is...
Sep 8, 2009 | Google, humor, Internet
Did you notice that the Google logo on the main search page had a spaceship beaming up one of the “O”s in “Google” for a couple of days? Bless their hearts, Google can be marvelously odd sometimes. The logo is frequently changed for special events and holidays, but...
Sep 2, 2009 | Internet, security, web_services
There are already too many passwords in your life, but you’ve got to sigh and get over it. You’re going to have to pick better passwords and you’re going to have to remember them. The next generation of devices and web services, arriving within the next six months,...
Aug 27, 2009 | Google, IE, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft’s new search engine Bing is an interesting alternative to Google. In my experience, search results with Bing are at least equivalent to Google and frequently better in some way, particularly when the left-hand column includes a useful way to narrow down the...
Jul 30, 2009 | business, Internet, security, shopping
This is a cautionary tale to make you careful online shoppers. It strikes close to home for me because it involves, a favorite of mine at one time, but the scam is also used on Orbitz, Fandango and other sites. When opened its online doors in the late...
Jul 30, 2009 | broadband, computers, hardware, Internet, network
Ace consultant Brian Dent of CompuDent Systems points out an interesting corollary to the speed increases from Comcast: Just one caveat I’ve run into. A lot of the existing routers can’t handle a 50Mbps incoming signal. I have a 50Mbps account with a...