Apr 12, 2006 | Internet, web_services
Wikipedia occasionally gets in the news when one of its entries is hijacked by pranksters or political operatives. As a result, there have been endless discussions in the media about its trustworthiness.Don’t let that distract you. Wikipedia has become a...
Mar 8, 2006 | Google, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft unveiled its latest Internet search page, yet another attempt to unseat Google. The “Windows Live” name is being attached to many web-based Microsoft projects right now, so the new name is Windows Live Search. Currently the results are driven by...
Feb 28, 2006 | Internet, parents, security
MySpace.com is the largest community of teens and twenty-somethings in history. There’s roughly sixty million registered users. Its growth rate is mind boggling. It’s one of the most popular destinations on the Internet and it’s far and away the most...
Jan 22, 2006 | broadband, business, Internet
AT&T Chariman Ed Whitacre made seemingly outrageous comments in November about imposing additional charges on consumers or Google or Yahoo if we used “his” Internet pipes for things he didn’t approve of. Here’s my comments about that...