Apr 13, 2015 | Chrome, IE, Internet, security, Windows7, Windows8
I spent the weekend trying to clean adware off a perfectly nice computer. One errant click and the damage was done: web pages began filling with links to ads, injected by the blizzard of programs, browser extensions and add-ins that had come on board. The browser home...
Jan 26, 2015 | computers, Internet, mobile, phone, security, Windows7, Windows8
These are the rules for being safe using a Windows computer in 2015. We are required to be paranoid and vigilant. We run our businesses and manage our personal lives online, and the bad guys are endlessly inventive in their effort to find ways through our defenses....
Jan 13, 2015 | Amazon, Internet, security, spam
The email above landed in my inbox this morning. It’s phony. I don’t know how it got through the junk mail filter. We are required to be paranoid these days! It’s sad. Let me give you some tips for staying safe out there. The message purports to be from Amazon. It’s...
Jun 17, 2014 | broadband, Internet, mobile, web_services, wireless
Comcast customers can already connect to free WiFi on their laptops and phones in hundreds of thousands of locations across the country. Now Comcast is expanding its free WiFi network by turning home routers into public hotspots. It’s a rare case of a large company...
Jun 10, 2014 | backup, Internet, security, spam
Cryptolocker is arguably the worst virus we have ever faced. It first appeared last fall and caused havoc, then left the news for a few months. It’s back. I’ve had two clients lose computers to Cryptolocker or a variation on it in the last month, and there are reports...
May 29, 2014 | Google, Internet, web_services
KnowMyRankings.com is a simple and elegant tool for anyone who wants to know how their website ranks in Google searches. If your small business or law firm has a website and you want to know whether people can find you online, sign up for a free trial. There are two...