Dec 20, 2015 | Adobe, Amazon, Android, Apple, Box, bruceb, Google, iPad, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Surface, tablet, Windows10
Happy holidays! Welcome to the end of 2015! I knew we’d make it. Take a deep breath. There’s no reason to feel the urge to throw a computer out the window for at least a couple of weeks. It’s been an interesting year in technology, mostly good news but with occasional...
Dec 13, 2015 | laptops, Microsoft, security, Windows tips, Windows10
A new feature quietly appeared in the Windows 10 November update: you can have your laptop send its location every few hours to Microsoft. If your laptop is lost or stolen, you can view the last location where it was online. Android phones, iPhones, and Macs have had...
Oct 11, 2015 | Dell, HP, laptops, shopping, Surface, Windows10
Dell is selling a refreshed model of last year’s XPS 13, the laptop that won the hearts of everyone who saw it. The XPS 13 introduced Dell’s “InfinityEdge” screen, with a disappearing bezel that allows a 13” screen to be packed into an 11” case. The upgraded XPS 13...
Sep 7, 2015 | computers, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows10
In October the market will be flooded with new laptops and hybrids, powered by a new generation of Intel processor. If it’s convenient, wait a month or two to buy new computers. The manufacturers will almost completely turn over their lineups of computers and laptops...
Jul 19, 2015 | Android, Apple, laptops, Microsoft, Office, phone, Skype, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8, Windows10
In 1980, Bill Gates declared that Microsoft’s goal was to put a computer on every desk and in every home. In 2015 Microsoft will announce that it can put a computer in every pocket. Later this year, Microsoft is going to introduce smartphones that turn into computers,...
Apr 26, 2015 | computers, laptops, shopping
It’s the little things that count. My mouse pad makes me happy. It’s my favorite $7 accessory. I’ve used a 3M Precise Mouse Pad for years. 3M calls it a “mousing surface.” It’s got a microtexture on the surface that you can barely feel with your fingers, something...