Sep 5, 2014 | Android, Apple, computers, Google, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, netbooks, Office 365, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Microsoft and Google are stepping up their efforts to gain market share by encouraging manufacturers to sell large quantities of ultra-cheap phones, tablets and computers. And in an interesting new development, some of those cheap devices won’t suck. Let’s talk for a...
Aug 25, 2014 | computers, hardware, laptops, tablet, video
There are too many possible connections for monitors. It’s increasingly likely that you won’t be able to set up the monitor configuration you want without frustrating trips to Amazon searching for the right adapter. There are no answers here except to be prepared for...
Aug 11, 2014 | computers, Dell, laptops, Lenovo, shopping, Surface
Here are some shopping tips about the best Windows laptops on the market today. It’s a good time to buy. There’s nothing revolutionary on the horizon. Later this year or early next year, Intel’s next generation of processors will extend battery life even further, but...
Jul 6, 2014 | computers, hardware, laptops, Microsoft, Surface, tablet, Windows8
InstantGo is new laptop technology that is making its first conspicuous appearance in the new Microsoft Surface Pro 3 laptop/tablet. Expect to see it mentioned in marketing materials for more new laptops in the next year. It’s a subtle but wonderful feature that new...
May 26, 2014 | Apple, computers, hardware, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Microsoft’s new Surface Pro 3 is the first device that can replace both a laptop and a tablet with a single hybrid that fits in both categories. It has a 12” screen and full-powered internals worthy of a powerful laptop, combined with a detachable keyboard and the...
May 8, 2014 | computers, hardware, laptops, shopping, Windows7, Windows8
Laptops fly when they have a solid state hard drive (SSD) instead of a conventional hard drive. If you buy a new laptop with an SSD, it will make more of a difference to your day-to-day experience than the processor or the amount of memory or any other component. If...