Jul 23, 2003 | Internet, law
Doc Searls, editor of The Linux Journal, has written an insightful article about the threat to the Internet and how to save it. He brings together the FCC media consolidation ruling, SCO’s copyright litigation over Linux, why broadband is under attack by telcos...
Jul 17, 2003 | audio, DRM, law
Here’s an article about a new bill introduced by Howard Berman, a House representative funded by the entertainment industry, that would land a person in prison for five years and impose a fine of $250,000 for uploading a single file to a peer-to-peer network. In...
Jul 1, 2003 | law, security
EBay’s director of law enforcement and compliance, Joseph Sullivan, gave a talk last winter which is only now getting any attention. In it, he offered law enforcement officials open access to EBay customer information – without regard for the legal procedures that you...