Aug 18, 2002 | broadband, DRM, file_sharing, law
The recording industry heavyweights – the usual gang, including Vivendi, Sony, Bertelsmann and Warner Bros – have now filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against a number of the major Internet service and network providers, including Sprint, AT&T,...
Aug 14, 2002 | DRM, file_sharing, law
Another strong indication that executives and legislators are actually becoming insane whenever copyright issues are discussed. Nineteen of the most senior members of Congress sent a letter urging Attorney General John Ashcroft “to prosecute individuals who...
Jul 29, 2002 | audio, DRM, file_sharing, law
The entertainment industry has so far proven to be completely paralyzed by new consumer technology, unable or unwilling to come up with ways to do business that take changing consumer desires and expectations into account. Instead, it’s been enriching legions of...
Jul 25, 2002 | law, photos
Here’s more information about Forgent’s claim that it has a patent on the .JPEG file format (see below). It’s not the first time that a company has waited until some technology has become ubiquitous and then popped up with a demand for royalties. The .GIF format went...