Nov 22, 2020 | business, Facebook, Google, Internet, law, news, Politics, web_services
On October 14, the New York Post published a story alleging that smoking gun emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop implicated Joe Biden in corrupt schemes. It was immediately obvious that the story was almost certainly complete bullshit. Today, a few weeks later, it has...
Nov 19, 2020 | Amazon, business, Facebook, Google, Internet, law, news, Politics, web_services
Settle down, this is important. We’re going to talk about Section 230. I understand that you have no idea what that is. For now, take my word for it. I wouldn’t put you through this if it wasn’t a big deal. Section 230 is the key to understanding Facebook and Twitter....
Aug 23, 2020 | Facebook, law, news, Politics, science
What should the social media companies do with false information? Two years ago YouTube had a surge of videos encouraging teenagers to eat Tide Pods because they are secretly candy. Black salve, a caustic black paste that eats through flesh, was enthusiastically...
Aug 16, 2020 | Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, law, news, Politics, Privacy
“If people are at cross-purposes, they do not understand each other because they are working toward or talking about different things without realizing it.” Definition of “at cross-purposes”, Collins Dictionary “One example of arguing at cross purposes would be two...
Mar 25, 2020 | law, news, Politics, Privacy, security
Having government and big companies track our locations is a horrific invasion of privacy. We can be sure that big companies will be careless with private information about us, allowing it to be misused by bad actors. The government will almost certainly weaponize it...
Dec 16, 2019 | business, Facebook, Google, law, news, Politics, Privacy
Your personal information is being bought and sold by companies that lurk in the shadows. You’ve never heard of them. That’s the way they like it. This is the most important issue that affects your privacy today. Let’s start with a tight focus....