Jan 20, 2021 | Android, Apple, backup, Chrome, computers, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Google Drive, Internet, laptops, LastPass, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, security, software, spam, web_services, Windows10, Windows7
These are the rules for computer and online safety in 2021. Only your vigilance will protect you against bad guys. You will be safe if you are cautious. Stop and think before you click on links, before you call unfamiliar phone numbers, before you install programs,...
Oct 25, 2020 | Android, Apple, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, Outlook
If you use the desktop version of Outlook, you are almost certainly very set in your ways. Hundreds of millions of people have strong muscle memories acquired over years of using Outlook every day. Things are going to change. I know you’re used to it, but it’s...
Oct 21, 2020 | Dropbox, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, search, web_services
I’m going to suggest something crazy. I want you to try using the online versions of Word and Excel. Did you know there were online versions of Word and Excel? A lot of people don’t know they exist. Not only do they exist, but – dare I say it? – they’re pretty...
Jun 28, 2020 | mail, security, spam
An email comes in from a co-worker, usually someone higher up than you. It’s short, just a few words: “Are you available? I need your help as soon as possible.” “Are you available” messages are a scam. Your email response will go to a...
Jun 25, 2020 | Dropbox, Google Drive, mail, Microsoft, Office 365, security
Be careful when you read your email! I’ve noticed an increase in phishing messages in the last few months. The bad guys continue to improve their grammar and the presentation of their fake messages, to make it more likely that you’ll be fooled into giving them a...
May 31, 2020 | mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Outlook, Windows10
At some point, possibly during our lifetimes, the Outlook desktop program for Windows will begin syncing email signatures through the cloud from one computer to another. This will be a wonderful thing that will alleviate one small pain point in setting up new...