Jul 26, 2002 | mail, web_services
Microsoft and Yahoo are aggressively trying to push people to paid e-mail services by making it harder than ever to rely on free ones. Apple Computer is cutting free e-mail service altogether. In the latest move, on Wednesday Microsoft cleaned out all messages that...
Jun 7, 2002 | mail, web_services
The days of free e-mail are drawing to a close. Yahoo, Lycos, and Hotmail have all started to change their free e-mail accounts to make it more likely that users will pony up a monthly subscription fee. Today, Hotmail announced it will start charging to retrieve mail...
Mar 22, 2002 | business, IE, mail
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that America Online has continued to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as its browser engine, even though it acquired Netscape last year – pretty ironic, eh? Well, an even better commentary on Netscape’s software skills...
Dec 10, 2001 | mail, Outlook, security
The responsibility of owning a computer today includes owning an antivirus program and keeping it up to date. If you haven’t affirmatively done something to update your virus definitions in the last two weeks, then you’re at risk, and you’re putting...