Dec 4, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, photos, web_services
Windows Live Skydrive has been updated with a new look, 25Gb of free storage space, and new options for storing and sharing photos. There is some integration with an updated version of Windows Live Photo Gallery but I haven’t yet explored how that works. If...
Dec 3, 2008 | domains, IE, Internet, mail, Microsoft, mobile, Outlook, phone, remote, SBS, security
Let me give you a quick overview of the kind of issue that makes it fun to be a consultant.When you go to a web site where any personal information is going to be exchanged, you’re likely to see the web site address change from http:// to https://. The data is...
Dec 2, 2008 | Microsoft, network, SBS
More notes on the new release of Small Business Server 2008. Small businesses have more options than ever before as they grow to 5-10 people and begin to think about adding a server or two. Some businesses will be able to reduce costs by using a hosted mail service...
Dec 1, 2008 | Microsoft, network, SBS
I spent the weekend migrating a 20-person law firm to new servers running Microsoft Small Business Server 2008. If I did my job right, the first impression on Monday morning will be that very little has changed – folders with firm documents will open up, Outlook...
Nov 21, 2008 | file_sharing, Microsoft, remote, web_services
There was finally an official notice and some details about the plans to replace Foldershare with a new program named “Windows Live Sync” in December. Here’s the blog post with the announcement today. If you’re unfamiliar with Foldershare, I...
Nov 19, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, OneCare, SBS, security, software, Vista, WinXP
That rumbling you feel is a seismic shift in the field of security software. This will affect every single one of you and cause major changes in the entire industry. Microsoft announced today that it will deliver free antivirus and anti-spyware software for all...