Jun 4, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, SBS, search, software, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft released Windows Search 4.0 today in final form. It is a free upgrade to the search features built into Windows Vista. It adds indexed searching to Windows XP; this release is an upgrade to the prior version of Windows Desktop Search that many of you are...
Jun 2, 2008 | Adobe, business, Google, Microsoft, Office, web_services
Adobe has launched an online suite of software and services, along with announcing the July release of Acrobat 9. It’s all interesting but I have a sense of overload already, and we’re still very early in the new age of online web services. Acrobat.com is...
May 24, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, security, WinXP
A number of people have had the same problems after installing Windows XP Service Pack 3: Device Manager is emptySystem Restore is emptythe Network Connections screen is emptyother USB devices are not workingin some cases, My Computer will not open up or starts...
May 23, 2008 | domains, Google, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
If you’re looking for a quick way to get something online, take a look at what Google is doing.There’s no shortage of ways to get started online with a web site, a blog, a place for collaboration, a shared calendar, a shared photo gallery, or any of a...
May 18, 2008 | business, Microsoft, Vista
The latest wave of media overcoverage concerns Windows 7, the followup to Vista, which Microsoft hopes to have ready in 2-3 years. The theme of many blogs and news articles is that Vista is obviously a horrible, misguided mistake but it’s okay because Windows 7...
May 11, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, security, WinXP
Every time I think Microsoft is going to learn a lesson and show some communication skills, it makes another misstep.Windows XP Service Pack 3 is a collection of previously released security patches and updates, with a handful of new features and absolutely nothing...