Apr 8, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, security, Vista, WinXP
Your computer will restart tonight. It’s Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of the month, when Microsoft releases security updates that will be automatically installed overnight. All of you have upgraded to Microsoft Update so you get patches for Office programs...
Apr 2, 2008 | Internet, Microsoft, Office, Vista
Sharp-eyed Microsoft Office users might have noticed that the default fonts are changed in Office 2007. The old familiar names are still there – Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, and Courier New – but the defaults are newcomers Cambria, Calibri, and...
Apr 1, 2008 | Microsoft, Office, Outlook, software
When I set up a new computer these days, I spend almost no time describing new features in Windows Vista – people are generally able to start using it right away with a minimum of fuss. Outlook 2007 is so similar to Outlook 2003 that I don’t even mention...
Mar 28, 2008 | Microsoft, network, Outlook, SBS, search, software, Vista, WinXP
Microsoft released a preview of Windows Search 4 today, an update to the Windows Desktop Search program that is built into Windows Vista and can be installed separately on Windows XP. The search programs index everything on your computer that matters – the full...
Mar 26, 2008 | computers, Microsoft, software, Vista, WinXP
Windows XP will stop being sold by computer manufacturers (Dell, HP, and the rest) on June 30, 2008. Too many people have been writing too much nonsense about Windows Vista, creating the perception that it should be avoided. The approaching deadline will cause a...
Mar 24, 2008 | Google, Microsoft, search, Vista
Searching in Vista quickly becomes second nature. Clicking the Start button and typing the name of a program brings it up immediately – no need to hunt through the long list of program folders. There are immediate results from opening the “Documents”...