Dec 13, 2007 | Microsoft, OneCare, security, software
The upgrade to Windows Live OneCare 2.0 is being rolled out this week to many OneCare users. A few of them have reported confusion or problems with the upgrade. Here are some of the situations I’ve run into recently. WHAT TO DO IF THE UPGRADE FAILS A few people...
Dec 7, 2007 | Amazon, Apple, audio, business, DRM, Microsoft, mobile, phone, web_services
The music industry is in complete disarray; the shift away from CDs is irreversible and most consumers simply expect music to be free. The recording industry’s hostility, arrogance, and litigation tactics have alienated everyone, making it harder for the...
Nov 23, 2007 | Microsoft, Vista
Vista Ultimate includes “Dreamscene” as an optional extra installed through the Windows Update system. It’s a completely frivolous bit of eye candy that animates your desktop – instead of a pretty picture of a waterfall, your desktop can...
Nov 16, 2007 | file_sharing, Microsoft, web_services
Foldershare is an invaluable free service from Microsoft for sharing files and folders among several computers, keeping the folders in sync with each other automatically. Although the concept is simple, it’s a bit confusing to get started; once you get it, it...
Nov 8, 2007 | backup, computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network, photos, remote
Microsoft’s Windows Home Server just arrived on the market – and it’s what you want for Xmas.I’ll give you a short overview and some links for you to click on, but let’s do some superlatives first. Windows Home Server is the coolest...
Nov 6, 2007 | Microsoft, search
Microsoft is finalizing Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express, a free product for searching files on network servers. It has the potential to fill a need for many small businesses, especially law firms drowning in documents.Microsoft Search Server 2008 Express was...