Mar 30, 2007 | Microsoft, mobile
If you’ve ever looked at Engadget or Gizmodo, you know there are an overwhelming number of new products appearing all the time. Here’s one that looks like it might be particularly useful.There are hundreds of cell phones and other handheld devices with two...
Mar 19, 2007 | Microsoft, Office, software
Back in ancient times – 4 or 5 years ago – many people tried their hands at learning a little HTML and creating a web site. Microsoft FrontPage wasn’t easy to learn but other programs were harder and FrontPage is the only one to develop any name...
Mar 11, 2007 | Microsoft, OneCare, Outlook, search, software
Patches/updates/upgrades are a mess. That’s nothing new, and certainly some steps forward have been taken – Microsoft’s automatic update system works remarkably well. Many of the updates are necessary and important, but it makes it impossible to...
Mar 2, 2007 | Microsoft, WinXP
Two Microsoft things have turned up in the last week that have made me say, Hmmm. There’s no point to these and nothing special to do – just odd geeky things that caught my eye.Microsoft took a lot of heat for rolling out Internet Explorer 7 as a...
Mar 1, 2007 | Microsoft, Office, photos, security, software, video, web_services
The post-holiday lull has ended, Vista is out the door, so we’re back to a nonstop barrage of new products and services. Here’s what stood out in the last week.Adobe will offer a free online version of Photoshop in a few months. If the service proceeds as...
Feb 16, 2007 | computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft, network
Here’s a review of a beta release of Microsoft Windows Home Server, which continues to look like a genuinely exciting advance for home computing. Here are my earlier thoughts on the preview at the Consumer Electronics show last month.When it is final, most of us...