Feb 8, 2007 | Microsoft, photos
The .JPG format is ubiquitous – everything supports it, everything displays it. Microsoft has spent six years creating a new format intended to replace .JPG in the hearts and minds of manufacturers and consumers. Here’s an article about Microsoft’s...
Jan 7, 2007 | computers, hardware, Home_Server, Microsoft
Microsoft is taking the wraps off “Windows Home Server” today at a trade show. The first details are just coming out from people freed from their nondisclosure agreements. Here’s Microsoft’s first public web site for Home Server. I’m...
Dec 13, 2006 | humor, Microsoft, Vista
The folks responsible for promoting Windows Vista are trying hard to be hip – check out http://clearification.com. Microsoft is footing the bill for Demetri Martin, a Daily Show regular, to film short episodes of a random and mildly amusing story that features...
Oct 29, 2006 | Microsoft, software, video
Many people are staring at their digital camcorders, wondering how to get video off the camera for a DVD or some other project. Adobe Premiere Elements is the software of choice for the long run. It’s the best designed software on the market, relatively easy to...
Oct 11, 2006 | Microsoft, Office, software, WinXP
Microsoft released a big crop of updates yesterday for Windows and Microsoft Office programs – there are ten patches on the official list but my computer shows fifteen items ready to be installed this morning. Yesterday Microsoft was having some trouble with the...
Aug 15, 2006 | Apple, business, Microsoft
OneStat.com reported yesterday that Windows XP is responsible for almost 87 percent of all Web usage, while all Windows versions combined account for 97 percent of Web usage. These days that’s a fair measure of an operating system’s market share.The second...