Jul 12, 2006 | Microsoft, OneCare, web_services
Microsoft is attempting to streamline its centralized authentication system – a combination of e-mail address and password that controls signon to Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live OneCare, and other Microsoft services. The system was introduced years ago as...
Jul 12, 2006 | file_sharing, Microsoft, software, web_services
On Thursday, Microsoft and Yahoo will begin testing a link between their instant messaging programs, fulfilling a promise made nine months ago.Windows Live Messenger is a nice product, and the “sharing folders” are implemented so smoothly that small...
Jun 13, 2006 | Microsoft, security
Lots of new security updates from Microsoft today, the regularly-scheduled once-a-month release that’s become known as “Patch Tuesday.” Here’s an article about this month’s patches.Some of you will find your computer restarted after...
May 22, 2006 | audio, Microsoft, software
Another week, another beta release from Microsoft. Windows Media Center 11 is the latest program getting a bunch of attention from the media – here’s Paul Thurrott raving about it, here’s CNet’s lukewarm review, here’s a negative review...
Mar 14, 2006 | file_sharing, Microsoft, software, web_services
Later this year, Microsoft will roll out Windows Vista, the successor to Windows XP, as well as Office 2007, a dizzying array of familiar and unfamiliar business applications.The busiest division at Microsoft, though, is producing online services under the umbrella...
Mar 8, 2006 | Google, Internet, Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft unveiled its latest Internet search page, yet another attempt to unseat Google. The “Windows Live” name is being attached to many web-based Microsoft projects right now, so the new name is Windows Live Search. Currently the results are driven by...