Sep 15, 2004 | Microsoft, photos, WinXP
Microsoft released a critical update yesterday for an intriguing problem. Microsoft discovered a flaw in the way various Microsoft operating systems and programs process .JPG images – theoretically allowing a bad guy to run a malicious program on your computer...
Sep 1, 2004 | Apple, audio, Microsoft
Today’s quiz: I’ll describe a familiar scenario. You decide if it’s ancient history or current news. Apple sells devices manufactured by Apple, running software designed by Apple, sold in a store that belongs to Apple. Nobody else is allowed to use...
Jul 30, 2004 | Google, Microsoft
Microsoft is rolling out services to challenge Google. I’m underwhelmed by every single bit of it so far. Yesterday’s presentation, described in this article, summarizes some of the initiatives. MSN is going to sponsor a toolbar – presumably...
Mar 24, 2004 | Microsoft, web_services
Microsoft’s Passport was envisioned as a central place for your personal information, safeguarded by Microsoft, which would then be accessed during your online shopping so you wouldn’t have to type in your name and address and credit card information at...
Jan 27, 2004 | IE, Microsoft
Microsoft gets irritable when anybody else dominates anything related to technology, so it’s no surprise that it is planning an assault on Google. The first bullet was rolled out today – the MSN toolbar for Internet Explorer, similar in appearance and...
Dec 18, 2003 | audio, Microsoft
RealNetworks has filed a $1 billion antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft, alleging that Microsoft stifled RealNetworks’ attempts to develop a market for its RealPlayer software and RealOne service. I wish I could be sympathetic. Digital media functions...