Nov 19, 2003 | Google, Microsoft
Microsoft has begun testing a news service to aggregate headlines from a variety of publications. The new service, MSN Newsbot, is currently targeted at the UK and three European countries during beta testing. The new service competes with Google News. It’s the...
Jul 20, 2003 | Microsoft, software
A few years ago, Microsoft introduced two programs with similar names and similar functions – Outlook and Outlook Express. The result was years of confusion and ill will by understandably confused people clicking on the wrong icon by mistake. I thought perhaps...
Jun 26, 2003 | Google, Microsoft
Microsoft is taking the first steps towards its own search engine, currently using the name MSNBot. It will appear first as a competitor to Google, but Microsoft’s vision actually goes far beyond that – and in typical Microsoft fashion, they stand a chance of...
May 30, 2003 | Microsoft, software
Mark Minasi occasionally writes a column for a newsletter from Windows & .NET Magazine. Today he makes an interesting point to support his contention that Windows NT 4.0 should not be considered obsolete. Minasi notes that the hardware in personal computers has...
May 29, 2003 | business, law, Microsoft
You might have seen the news that Microsoft will pay AOL $750 million to settle AOL’s antitrust lawsuit. AOL acquired Netscape in 1998 and sued Microsoft in early 2002 for playing dirty to obtain market dominance. The deal makes sense from an economic perspective for...