May 1, 2003 | audio, Microsoft, software
Microsoft introduced Windows Media Player 9 a few months ago. It’s got a better interface and much improved technology for streaming audio and video – far better than RealPlayer and QuickTime. It runs best on Windows XP, of course – I’ve seen problem reports on...
Apr 17, 2003 | Microsoft, Office
Microsoft has quietly set the stage for a revolutionary change in pricing for Microsoft Office for individuals and small businesses. Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) has traditionally been so expensive that most people used the version that shipped with their new...
Dec 18, 2002 | Microsoft, software
Microsoft has completely mucked up the marketing of its Passport service and its instant messenger products. I follow this industry pretty closely, but I’ve frequently been baffled about how the various pieces fit together. I get an e-mail newsletter from WinXP News...
Dec 10, 2002 | Microsoft, software, WinXP
If you’re running Windows XP and you want to kill a little time, drop by for some Christmas-themed computer toys – screensavers, skins for Media Player, digital photo greeting card templates, and the like. (Be warned – the screensavers...
Nov 4, 2002 | business, law, Microsoft
An interesting technical sidelight on Judge Kollar-Kotelly’s approval of the Microsoft-DOJ settlement. The release of her decision was carefully scheduled for 4:30pm US Eastern time, after the markets had closed. The folks running the Court’s web site apparently...
Nov 1, 2002 | law, Microsoft
The coverage of Judge Kollar-Kotelly’s approval of the Microsoft-DOJ settlement in the mainstream press is likely to be a bit short on details and context. Here’s CNET’s collection of articles about the settlement, with links to the full opinion and...