Jan 26, 2002 | Microsoft, security
Microsoft pledged to focus on security last week in an edict from Bill Gates that might be PR fluff – but not necessarily. Gates has a keen sense of when Microsoft has to turn itself around, and this might be one of those times when the company redefines itself...
Jan 24, 2002 | IE, law, Microsoft
The media played up the lawsuit Netscape filed against Microsoft a couple of days ago. The allegation is that Microsoft damaged Netscape by preventing the Netscape browser from competing fairly in the marketplace. Presumably the damages are the lost profits from the...
Nov 5, 2001 | audio, law, Microsoft
The recording industry has cozied up to Microsoft’s WMA technology, which can contain all of the “digital rights management” tools that will limit your right to listen to music on your computer without continuous payments. Microsoft is chasing their...
Nov 2, 2001 | law, Microsoft
The settlement talks are creeping along, perhaps heading towards a conclusion. Lots of potholes on that road. But let me suggest something that’s occurred to me about the proposed settlement. One settlement demand is that Windows be offered in a stripped-down...