Dec 21, 2016 | Apple, augmented reality, Chromebook, Google, hardware, LinkedIn, Microsoft, news, Office, Office 365, Outlook, security, Windows10, wireless
Did you miss any Bruceb News articles in 2016? Maybe they slipped out of sight in your Inbox. Fun fact: when I look over my clients’ shoulders, I see that many of them file my articles in folders that have whimsical names like “Deleted Items” and “Junk Mail.”...
Dec 19, 2016 | Android, Apple, bruceb, Chromebook, Google, Internet, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, security, Skype, software, updates, Windows10
My goodness. Pause for a deep breath. By every measure that truly matters – personal, family, friends, relationships, community – 2016 was a glorious year for me. I sincerely hope you are the same – happy, healthy, rooted, and all your dreams coming true for you...
Dec 14, 2016 | Internet, Microsoft, updates, Windows10
If your computer won’t connect to the Internet, you might have run into a new Windows bug. It’s got all the classic symptoms of Microsoft bugs. • It’s affecting a large number of people but we don’t know how many. Microsoft has posted an extraordinary banner on...
Dec 7, 2016 | Chrome, IE, Microsoft, software, Windows10
People spent more time browsing the web on their phones than on their PCs in October, according to StatCounter. Think about that for a second. It’s another remarkable statistic. More than half of the time spent online globally now happens on phones! What an...
Dec 5, 2016 | Android, Apple, Google, Microsoft, phone
I have a couple of numbers about Apple and Google for your entertainment. The numbers are 88 and 91. They’re not what you expect. It’s an interesting world. Android – 88% Nearly 90% of all phones shipped worldwide in the third quarter of 2016 were running...
Nov 27, 2016 | Box, Dropbox, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, web_services
A difficult part of using technology in 2016 is simply remembering what tools we have at our disposal. It’s all well and good for me to report on all the swell new programs and services that are available, but that doesn’t do any good if you don’t remember which one...