Sep 28, 2015 | Android, Apple, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, shopping, software, updates
The new version of Office 2016 for Windows is now generally available. The takeaway: • Most of you will get it automatically. • Most of you won’t care very much. Microsoft has completely lost control of branding and licensing. There is no way to explain any of this...
Sep 13, 2015 | file_sharing, Microsoft, updates, Windows10
The tech press has been full of manufactured outrage and clickbait headlines about supposed invasions of privacy built into Windows 10 by a wicked Microsoft. Most of it falls apart on close examination and turns out to be mundane and uninteresting – I can’t find the...
Sep 10, 2015 | Apple, iPad, Microsoft, Surface, tablet
On Wednesday Apple displayed the daring originality and innovation that has carried it so far and announced the SurfacePad Pro, a 12.9” tablet with a keyboard that attaches with firm magnets and a stylus for taking notes or drawing. The vision! It just takes the...
Sep 7, 2015 | computers, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows10
In October the market will be flooded with new laptops and hybrids, powered by a new generation of Intel processor. If it’s convenient, wait a month or two to buy new computers. The manufacturers will almost completely turn over their lineups of computers and laptops...
Aug 19, 2015 | Microsoft, updates, Windows tips, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
Previously: What’s new in Windows 10? Should you upgrade to Windows 10? Today: When should you upgrade to Windows 10? Spoiler alert! When should you upgrade to Windows 10? October. After Service Pack 1 is released, probably on Patch Tuesday, October 13. Windows 10...
Aug 13, 2015 | Cortana, Microsoft, updates, Windows tips, Windows10
The worldwide Windows 10 rollout has been proceeding for two weeks. Before long some of you are going to be notified that your free upgrade is available for the taking. Time to get ready! There are three questions to talk about. • What’s new in Windows 10? • Should...