Jun 10, 2013 | business, games, Microsoft
Sony and Microsoft have now both shown off their next-generation living room consoles. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be available this fall. Each will be solid gaming machines, as well as offering features for non-gamers – integrated access to the web, streaming...
Jun 6, 2013 | business, Microsoft, mobile, netbooks, tablet
Windows RT is the special version of Windows 8 that runs Microsoft Surface RT tablets and a few tablets from other manufacturers. When eight inch Windows 8 mini-tablets appear soon, they will be running Windows RT. There are some good reasons to consider a Windows RT...
Jun 4, 2013 | Microsoft, Office, Office tips, OneDrive, software, web_services
TAKEAWAY If you experience long delays or freezes when Word or Excel are saving files to Skydrive, disable the Skydrive setting that creates a direct connection between the Office programs and the online Skydrive folders. BACKGROUND I’m fully committed to Skydrive. I...
May 29, 2013 | Microsoft, Windows tips, Windows8
Microsoft has released a user’s guide to Windows 8 for anyone with a new Windows 8 computer or tablet. Download the Windows 8 guide from here. (If you want the abbreviated version, start with my article on the five things you need to know for your first Windows 8...
May 22, 2013 | mail, Microsoft, Office 365, Outlook
For the last three weeks I’ve been getting occasional problem reports from clients with hosted Exchange mailboxes on Office 365, after their Office 365 service was upgraded. For a handful of users, Outlook has sporadically been unable to connect to the online Exchange...
May 20, 2013 | computers, laptops, Microsoft, tablet, Windows tips, Windows8
Here we go again. Windows 8 is succumbing to the pressure from too many people with too many agendas. It’s starting to get a bit of the Vista stink. Everybody seems to “know” that Windows 8 is something to be avoided. Nobody can articulate what the problems are – it’s...