Jan 6, 2013 | business, Google, Microsoft, phone, web_services, Windows Phone 8
Previously: Clash Of The Titans: The War Of The Ecosystems Google did something evil. It will get undone shortly, but the fact remains that Google directly attacked a group of consumers for no reason except to gain a competitive advantage by making their life more...
Dec 21, 2012 | Android, Apple, bruceb, Google, iPad, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Surface, web_services, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
Season’s greetings! I hope you all get lovely new technology for the holidays and have a wonderful time poking and clicking and pinching and zooming! I’ve been looking ahead to 2013, trying to guess what will fill our time in the technology world next year. Here are...
Dec 17, 2012 | Android, Apple, Google, Google Drive, iPad, mail, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, phone, Surface, tablet, web_services, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
Previously: Clash Of The Titans – The Battle Over Skydrive On iOS War has broken out. Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon have been building walled gardens, ecosystems of services that work best if you have multiple devices on the same platform. Example: once you buy...
Dec 14, 2012 | Apple, Dropbox, iPad, Microsoft, OneDrive, phone, software, tablet, web_services
Microsoft is embroiled in a conflict with Apple that is part of a bigger story. Today I’ll tell you about the details of the standoff over whether Microsoft will be allowed to keep giving away a Skydrive app for iPhones and iPads. In the next article, I’ll give you...
Dec 12, 2012 | Microsoft, phone, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8
If you’re curious about the Microsoft Surface tablets, you’ll be able to look at them in Staples and Best Buy next week. Microsoft’s original plan was to sell them only online and in Microsoft-branded stores until early next year but something – probably slow sales –...
Dec 5, 2012 | Apple, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, Office, OneDrive, Surface, tablet, Windows8
In late January Microsoft will start shipping the second version of the Surface tablet, the one with the full version of Windows 8 Pro. There are two models, a 64Gb version for $900 or a 128Gb version for $1000. A keyboard is not included so you’ll buy one separately,...