Nov 28, 2012 | Microsoft, software, Windows tips, Windows8
When you sit down at your first Windows 8 computer, you will be disoriented. Important controls are hidden, toolbars appear and disappear in ways that are unintuitive, and the Start button is missing from the desktop. The learning curve is not steep! In fact, a...
Nov 24, 2012 | Microsoft, software, Windows8
Previously: Upgrading To Windows 8 For the next couple of months, the cost of a license to upgrade your existing computer to Windows 8 is almost nothing. The real cost, though, is the time and effort involved, the possibility that the upgrade won’t go smoothly, and...
Nov 15, 2012 | Microsoft, Office 365
The engineering team at Microsoft responsible for Office 365 published a lengthy blog post about the outage on Tuesday. Microsoft is not always very transparent so it is refreshing to get an explanation and – more importantly – to get Promises To Do Better instead of...
Nov 14, 2012 | mail, Microsoft, Outlook, Windows tips, Windows8
This tip is for Outlook users who want to use Outlook exclusively and bypass the Windows 8 Mail app on a desktop computer or notebook. TIP Open Default Programs and select Microsoft Outlook. Click on: “Set this program as default – Use the selected program to open all...
Nov 11, 2012 | IE, LastPass, Microsoft, software, Windows tips, Windows8
This tip is directed to people experiencing Windows 8 for the first time on a desktop or notebook computer who want to minimize confusion by spending most of their time on the familiar Windows 7-style desktop. TIP In Internet Explorer, click on Tools / Options /...
Nov 5, 2012 | Android, Apple, Dropbox, hardware, iPad, laptops, LastPass, Lenovo, Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Previously: Some Thoughts On The Microsoft Surface Tablet (Part 1) Because it is built on an operating system that appears identical to Windows 8, Microsoft’s Surface tablet has some features that set it apart from an iPad. This isn’t a full review of the Surface,...