Oct 24, 2012 | Microsoft, Surface, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
“If even a tenth of a percent of new Windows 8 users respond with the level of dismay and distress my wife did, Microsoft and those unlucky enough to be in frontline tech support are going to be at the business end of a volcanic eruption of hate. The reaction will be...
Oct 22, 2012 | IE, Internet, Microsoft, Outlook, software, Surface, tablet, Windows7, Windows8
Windows 8 is a mobile OS that includes a rich desktop environment as one – and only one – of its features. Windows 8 is NOT an updated version of Windows 7 that happens to include some mobile apps. When the Windows 8 Start Screen appears, the desktop is one...
Oct 16, 2012 | Android, Apple, computers, Google, iPad, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, Office, phone, software, Surface, tablet, Windows7, Windows8
Windows 8 is a term that will be used to refer to several different things. It is the next operating system for Windows computers, but you’ll also see the name used loosely to describe a tablet operating system, a phone operating system, the environment for apps that...
Oct 14, 2012 | Android, Apple, iPad, Microsoft, mobile, phone, tablet, Windows Phone 8, Windows8
In order to understand why Microsoft has created Windows 8, you have to look at the long-term, fundamental change in the way the world uses technology. We are in the middle of a massive structural shift from computers to phones and tablets. Mobile devices, not desktop...
Oct 11, 2012 | computers, laptops, Microsoft, phone, Surface, tablet, Windows Phone 8, Windows7, Windows8
On October 25, Microsoft will formally unveil Windows 8, followed closely by a separate presentation of Windows Phone 8 on October 29. Windows 8 computers, notebooks, tablets and hybrid devices will go on sale on October 26, and Windows Phone 8 phones will go on sale...
Oct 7, 2012 | Google, Microsoft, Office 365, web_services, Windows Live
Here’s a tip for anyone who runs into trouble juggling multiple identities in Internet Explorer. Most of you can look away and stop taking notes – this is extra credit material and won’t be on the test. This is primarily of interest to anyone who provides tech...