Aug 30, 2012 | computers, Dell, hardware, HP, iPad, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Manufacturers are showing off upcoming Windows 8 devices for the first time at a trade show in Berlin this week. In a couple of months you’re going to be walking down store aisles full of odd devices with screens and keyboards that twist and turn and swivel and detach...
Aug 27, 2012 | Amazon, Android, Apple, computers, Dell, Google, HP, iPad, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, mobile, phone, shopping, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Get some popcorn, keep a grip on your wallet, and settle down. The action is about to begin. There are big changes coming up in the world of mobile devices, and the thrilling conclusion will affect your computers as well when Microsoft officially releases Windows 8....
Aug 15, 2012 | Adobe, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, OneDrive, SBS, software, updates, web_services, Windows Live, Windows8
The pace is picking up as we head into full-blown techno-craziness this fall. WINDOWS 8 This morning the shipping version of Windows 8 became available to Microsoft TechNet and MSDN subscribers. The download site generated error messages for an hour or so under the...
Aug 6, 2012 | Dropbox, Microsoft, Office, OneDrive, web_services, Windows8
Microsoft’s vision for Skydrive is starting to come into focus. Microsoft is integrating Skydrive deeply into its entire ecosystem, across its entire product line, until it will seem obvious and inevitable. You might not need to rush but the chances are that you’ll be...
Aug 3, 2012 | Facebook, Google, mail, Microsoft, OneDrive, Outlook, web_services
When Microsoft realized that it was on the verge of missing the implications of the Internet, it famously turned the company around in the mid-90s, building web access into all of its products and working out the implications of online access more thoroughly than...
Jul 20, 2012 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, software, web_services, Windows7, Windows8
When Microsoft Office 2013 is released early next year, it will cap off an exhilarating period in which Microsoft is showing an unexpected willingness to reinvent its entire product lineup to address new tech realities. It takes time to understand just how thoroughly...