Jun 20, 2012 | Apple, iPad, Microsoft, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Microsoft’s unexpected announcement that it will release two tablets later this year has the industry buzzing. The Microsoft Surface tablets will run Windows 8; the less expensive one is conceptually similar to an iPad, while the more expensive one combines the power...
Jun 19, 2012 | iPad, Microsoft, Surface, tablet, Windows8
Microsoft announced today that it will be selling two new Windows 8 tablets under its own name, taking on the iPad and competing with its own partners, the manufacturers who will be distributing their own Windows 8 tablets in the fall. A lot of details were made...
Jun 14, 2012 | Android, Apple, Microsoft, phone, tablet
“Ice Cream Sandwich” was Google’s internal name during development of the latest version of its Android operating system for phones and tablets. It’s now known more formally as Android 4.0. You don’t have it yet. There’s an interesting story about that. Let’s start...
May 18, 2012 | Microsoft, Office, OneDrive, web_services
Previously: The Future Of Microsoft Office On Tablets And Online The Future Of Microsoft Online With Office Web Apps Microsoft Office Web Apps can be used to view and edit Office files online in a web browser. You can create new Word, Excel and Powerpoint files online...
May 16, 2012 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, OneDrive, web_services
Previously: The Future Of Microsoft Office On Tablets And Online OFFICE WEB APPS Two years ago Microsoft introduced Office Web Apps, online versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint and OneNote that can be used entirely inside a web browser. If you set up Skydrive on your...
May 7, 2012 | Microsoft, Office, OneNote, software
Every time I write about Microsoft OneNote, it seems appropriate to introduce it to people who aren’t yet familiar with it. I’ll repeat the overview from my previous articles about OneNote, then give you some tips and tricks that turned up recently. OVERVIEW Microsoft...