Mar 5, 2012 | Microsoft, Office 365, Outlook, web_services
Previously: Persistent Outlook Password Prompts For Office 365 This is a troubleshooting tip that only applies to a few people – but those few people are very glad to have an answer. Microsoft began selling hosted Exchange mailboxes in 2008. It is now engaged in...
Mar 1, 2012 | Google, HP, IE, Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows tips, Windows7, WinXP
We are under constant assault from advertisers seeking a foothold on our computers. We invite some of them into our lives voluntarily – every time you do a Google search or check your Facebook page, you’re making advertisers very happy (and making Google and...
Feb 23, 2012 | computers, Microsoft, Windows8
Previously: Windows 8 And Post-PC Computing Windows 8 And The Metro UI Windows will continue to be the dominant platform for enterprises and professionals but it runs the risk of becoming irrelevant – or at best, just another equal but decreasingly important...
Feb 21, 2012 | computers, Microsoft, mobile, phone, tablet, Windows8
The Start screen on your Windows 8 computer will look something like the screen above. If Microsoft is successful is finding a place in the market for mobile devices, this is what the Start screen will look like on your next tablet: And the Start screen on your...
Feb 19, 2012 | Apple, laptops, Microsoft, phone, tablet, Windows8
The logo for Windows 8 that was unveiled over the weekend symbolizes a lot of things that will have a deep effect on you sooner than you think. In a couple of weeks Microsoft will unveil a “consumer preview” of Windows 8 and begin a drumbeat of publicity that will...
Feb 6, 2012 | Apple, business, Google, Microsoft
Google is a fantastically rich company. It reported revenue of more than ten billion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2011. Google also offers a vast array of services. In addition to the search engine that we interact with dozens of times a day, Google runs all of...