Oct 8, 2020 | Microsoft, Office, Office 365, Office tips, OneDrive, OneNote, web_services, Windows tips, Windows10
This is the first of several articles about Microsoft accounts. This is familiar ground for long-time readers. I’ve been writing about Microsoft accounts and services for years. These articles will simplify things and help you take advantage of services that you may...
Sep 28, 2020 | Android, Apple, Google, Microsoft, mobile, Office 365, OneNote, Outlook, phone, software, Windows10
I want you to add something to your to do list. Okay, what popped into your mind as the place you would put that? A notepad on the refrigerator? A post-it on the steering wheel? An app on your phone? A list in Outlook or OneNote? An Excel spreadsheet? Promising...
Sep 20, 2020 | Microsoft, Office, Office tips, OneDrive, Windows10
There are three completely different screens that can come up when you’re saving files in Word and Excel. I’ll help you recognize them so you know what to do next with each one. More important: I’ll show you some options that will simplify the process of opening and...
Aug 30, 2020 | Box, Dropbox, Microsoft, Office 365, OneDrive, search, Windows10
Windows Search has a problem with my OneDrive files. It can’t find them. It’s supposed to be able to find them. There’s a tempting new option in Windows Settings / Search that gives the impression that I’ll be able to search my OneDrive files just like I search files...
Aug 9, 2020 | Microsoft, Windows tips, Windows10, Windows7, Windows8
I don’t want to make you feel bad, but I don’t think you’re using Alt-Tab to switch programs, and I’m not sure I understand that. I use Alt-Tab a hundred times a day, but I suddenly realized that I never see anyone else use it. Why not? It’s a wonderful timesaver that...
Jul 30, 2020 | Apple, Azure, laptops, Lenovo, Microsoft, mobile, Windows10
Microsoft is failing at adapting Windows to modern ARM processors – and it doesn’t care. Microsoft will never acknowledge the decline of Windows, but it has already pivoted the company, so its bottom line will not be affected if consumers and small businesses flee to...