Dec 12, 2011 | Microsoft, Office, web_services, Windows7
A few days ago Microsoft launched Answer Desk with little fanfare – no press release, just a new web site ( offering live technical support for Windows and Office, plus PC tuneups, virus removal, and software training – 24×7, 365 days/year. It...
Nov 21, 2011 | backup, domains, hardware, Microsoft, remote, SBS
Western Digital is shipping the first device available in the US with Microsoft’s small business storage and backup software, Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials. Microsoft has a gift for names, doesn’t it? It’s a little embarrassing to gush over a product that...
Nov 2, 2011 | Android, Apple, Microsoft, software, Vista, Windows7
I’m about two weeks into one of the more amazing experiences I’ve ever had with a computer. I don’t say that lightly; over the years I’ve had a lot of amazing experiences with computers and this really stands out. On the other hand, there are a thousand reasons why...
Oct 24, 2011 | Android, Apple, Google, Microsoft, mobile, phone
A new model of phone has been introduced roughly every day in 2011 but none of them have been very interesting. Until now. Let’s take a look at three big developments in the phone world. (Fair warning: I do not have any personal experience with any of these phones....
Oct 16, 2011 | Android, Apple, business, computers, laptops, Microsoft, mobile, tablet, Vista, Windows7, WinXP
Apple’s brilliant success since Steve Jobs returned in 1997 has made it the largest company in the world by almost any measure, with a market capitalization that exceeds Microsoft and Intel combined. iPhones define the smartphone market, even if they do not completely...
Oct 6, 2011 | backup, business, computers, domains, Home_Server, Microsoft, network, SBS
Previously: Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, Part 1: Overview Small Business Server 2011 Essentials, Part 2: Remote Access Small Business Server 2011 Essentials has one overlooked feature that fills an important need in most small businesses. Every night, SBS...